AC White Paper: Adjusting Headlights

To adjust the headlights on a car with two headlights and high and low beam settings, follow these steps:
1. Preparation:
  - Park the car on a level surface, about 25 feet (7.6 meters) away from a wall or garage door.
  - Make sure the tires are properly inflated and there is no excessive load in the vehicle.
  - Clean the headlight lenses to ensure maximum light output.
2. Low Beam Adjustment:
  - Turn on the low beam headlights.
  - Locate the horizontal and vertical adjustment screws or bolts on the headlight housing (usually located at the back of the headlight assembly).
  - Use a headlight aiming tool or follow the lines on the wall/door to adjust the low beam pattern.
  - The hot spot (brightest part of the beam) should be slightly below the horizontal line and centered on the vertical line.
3. High Beam Adjustment:
  - Turn on the high beam headlights.
  - Adjust the high beam pattern using the same adjustment screws or bolts.
  - The high beam pattern should be centered on both the horizontal and vertical lines.
4. Double-Check:
  - Once you've adjusted both low and high beams, double-check the alignment by having someone sit in the driver's seat and make any final adjustments as needed.
5. Finalize:
  - Tighten all adjustment screws or bolts securely once the headlights are properly aimed.
  - Consider marking the adjustment positions or taking a photo for future reference.
It's important to follow the manufacturer's specific instructions for your vehicle, as the adjustment process may vary slightly. Additionally, some newer vehicles have self-leveling or automatic headlight adjustment systems, which may require a different adjustment procedure or a trip to a professional mechanic.
Remember, properly aimed headlights not only improve visibility for you but also prevent blinding oncoming drivers, ensuring safer driving conditions for everyone on the road.