"Audette Collection is the best in the world for anything related to air-cooled Porsche lighting." Gerald Kroon, CEO Kroon Wire Harnesses , Netherlands


You have probably sensed for some time now that things have been a bit off at Audette Collection. As you know, AC is essentially one man band run by yours truly (although not ignoring substantial contributions by my wife of 57 years Vicki). Unfortunately, a business does not operate in a vacuum,and when you and your business are one and the same there are many external influences at work that are at times impede things.

We are all dealing with challenges in life and Vicki and are not excluded. You have been informed of some of them in the past and your support, encouragement - and prayers - have been sustaining. However, moving forward it has become necessary to downsize.

I’ve had Progressive Parkinson's Disease for some time now. It's *remarkably difficult* to acknowledge, accept and adapt to one’s limitations after a lifetime of striving, but I'm in the process of doing that now. A major part of the process is to shrink the size and scope of Audette Collection resulting in a more manageable enterprise. I will enumerate some of the immediate changes in a moment. First I’d like to clearly outline what our goal is moving forward and what value we may bring to you.

Over time we have established a well-defined specialty: A source for air-cooled Porsche lighting parts, information and knowledge. It’s pretty much that simple. Moving forward I can see us being useful by continuing that role, albeit on a smaller scale. For example, over time it is going to become increasingly difficult to find many parts which we will try to help by building and maintaining an inventory of specialty, exclusive and hard-to-find parts.

Here are some of the immediate changes that will help us to achieve that goal while continuing to be of service:

  • The number of products in our catalog is being reduced. We maintain the goal of stocking hard-to-find, unique, and exclusive parts for a long time to come.
  • Restoration services are no longer offered. This is a tough one after almost 25 years but the saying “The spirit is willing, but the body is weak”, while applying to a number of areas, is especially pertinent here.
  • We are downsizing, not ceasing business: All outstanding orders will be filled, and all open projects will be completed.
  • Communication has been weak for a while which I hate. My hope is that by lessening the scope of the operation that I will be able to do a much better job here. I greatly enjoy chatting with fellow enthusiasts – it’s one of the things that I enjoy the most in this business.
  • We have acquired a bit of knowledge about air-cooled Porsches over the years and we hope to continue as a resource for the community.

You are an extraordinary group of customers and friends. It’s all too easy to despair over the seeming malaise in our culture, our country and our world.  It’s vitally important to have things that buoy us up, affirmations. My faith is a wonderful affirmation. And you are another. The privilege of associating with you - and having the comfort knowing that people like you are there - is incredibly reaffirming. Peace.