"Audette Collection is the best in the world for anything related to air-cooled Porsche lighting." Gerald Kroon, CEO Kroon Wire Harnesses , Netherlands

Retail Noise & Hyperbole

Can You Do Retail
Successfully Without the Noise?
The very first thing we thought of when we started thinking in earnest about pricing was "What are our goals with this business?". It takes a fair bit of energy to run a business at any age and it becomes a little more challenging at my age (78).

The answer? We want to continue our relationship with the air cooled Porsche community that we have been part up for so long, and one way to do that is to be an asset to the community. We're here to serve as opposed to exploit. We have done that for over 10 years with our restoration services and want the retail endeavor to be of service as well.

After some analysis I came up with the simple formula of offering generally below market prices permanently as opposed to the noise of constant sales and promotions. I hate the typical hyperbolic retail crap anyway and this approach to pricing is simple, quiet, and straight-forward. Will it work in today's loud environment? Time will tell.

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