"Audette Collection is the best in the world for anything related to air-cooled Porsche lighting." Gerald Kroon, CEO Kroon Wire Harnesses , Netherlands


I send out occasional updates (doesn't everyone?) – no official schedule but about weekly – that provide you with special offers (that often sell out) before they are made available to the public.
Oddly, the most popular section is one that has nothing to do with Porsches. It's called "Appropos of Nothing...", a hopeless digression with topics of late that have included Augustin-Jean Fresnel (father of lighthouses), Nikola Tesla and Elon Musk.
They also contain information about air cooled Porsche lighting: history, technical information, what is correct and what is incorrect, where to get original and quality reproduction parts and restoration information. Sign up below if your interested - you can unsubscribe at any time. Your information is confidential and will never released to anyone (I hate spam as much as you do).
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