The AC14 Smugglers Box Road Kit

AC14 Smugglers Box Road Kit
(1) Porsche® Stow Bag
We found a bag to be better than a rigid box. We're aware of the limited storage space in our cars and a flexible bag is easier to stow.
(2) LED Highway Emergency Warning Lights
StonePoint Emergency LED Road Flare Kit
At first we were going to use the same old triangles but in our research we discovered that some countries are officially converting to flare lights. And with good reason. The triangles are a hassle and they don't have great visibility in the daytime. These magnetic pods, made by StonePoint, use LED's and are able to be in flasher or steady mode. They're visible from up to two miles away. There are three in a storage bag.
(3) Battery Booster
Imazing Portable Car Jump Starter
Battery boosters are in the same category as LED road flares - new technology replacing old technology. An old fashioned road kit might include jumper cables but those are nearing obsolescence with battery boosters.
(4) LED Flashlight with Emergency Flasher
WorkLight Rechargeable LED
There are millions of these but we have used one called the WorkLight for a while now and really like it. These are USB rechargeable and very bright. And the emergency flasher, while small, is a nice feature. We also sell these separately and you will find more information at the Product Page.
(5) First Aid Kit
Protect Life 100-Piece Kit
Again, these are pretty much a commodity and we chose the Protect Life Kit for it's small size (made for cars, backpackers, hikers) and completeness.
(6) Emergency Escape Window Breaker and Seat Belt Cutter
Amazon Basic
Again, these are a commodity. We chose this one because it's well made and reasonably priced. This is a component you should store in your glove box.
(7) Duct Tape
Gorilla Tape To-Go
Not very dramatic but and all-time must. I can't count how many times I've used duct tape on trips towing my vintage Airstream trailer. We chose this one for it's small size.
(8) Portable Hi-Tech Fire Extinguisher
Element E50
We discovered these revolutionary small fire extinguishers at the outset of doing research for our Safety Category. We offer them as an individual product and you will find more information at the Product Page.
(9) Tow Strap
JCHL Nylon Tow Strap with Hooks
Another pretty common item. But it's scary towing our Porsches and what is important here are the specs. We chose this JCHL tow strap because it is heavy duty. It's rated at 20,000 lbs. while many are commonly rated at 10,000 lbs. It's also a "recovery" strap which means it's rated capable of pulling a car out of a ditch. It has forged hooks at each end making it easy to use.
JUSTTOP Digital Tire Pressure Gauge
Another common commodity item. We chose this one based on good value.
(11) Fuse Kit
AC Fuse Kit
We put these together ourselves. Unbelievably Porsches used the same fuses from 1950 through 1989! Now that's a frugal car company. The kit incudes: (7) White (8 amp), (5) Red (16 amp) and (3) Blue (24 amp,
(12) Circuit Tester
AstroAl Multimeter
AstrolAl is a good value brand, the main reason for choosing this one.
(13) Tire Sealant
Well, this is glamorous. I've always considered these to be kind of Mickey Mouse but they do get the job done. I just used one recently to get a car over to the tire shop.
(14) Optional DME Relay
Why We Chose What We Chose
Stow Bag - 5/5
Porsche Motorsport
Emergency Lighting - 5/5
Stonepoint LED Lighting Pucks
Battery Booster - 4/5
Imazing Portable Jump Starter
LED Flashlight - 4/5
LED flashlights are pretty much a commodity at this point. We like the size and functionality of this no-name.
First Aid Kit - 5/5
American Red Cross
Window Breaker - 5/5
This also cuts seat belts. Another commodity item, we just liked this one
Gorilla To-Go Duct Tape
Fire Extinguisher - 5/5
Element E50
Tow Strap - 5/5
JCHL Nylon Tow Strap.
Tire Inflator - 4/5
Acpuri Portable Tire Inflator
Tire Gauge - 3/5
Justtop Digital Tire Gauge
Fuse Kit - 5/5
Audette Collection Fuse Kit
Circuit Tester - 3/5
AstroAl Digital Multimeter
What can you say? I'm not even going to rate this because it's pretty mickey-mouse. But it plugs the hole and allows you to use your tire inflator, and limp to help.
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